Friday, November 28, 2008

Why India?

Why India!!!!!

First and foremost, I pray for all those killed in terror attack on mubai.

Last two days we saw a tremendous drama unfold over the streets of mumbai. Mumbai which is believed to be the world's most resilient city, in the thrall of a terrifying and seemingly never-ending siege.

Its not just the terror attack which has shaken the minds of the people of mumbai apart but the manner in which the attack was carried out which was alarming!

The terrorists didn't just plant bombs at public places which had been their habit previously but they entered public places heavily armed and remorselessly shot at innocent people and then stayed there to face the consequences. These young people of age no more than 25 yrs had been brain-washed to kill every person they see!

The question which arises here is why in the world did these people want to take innocent lives? what is the point they are trying to make? what in the world does a democratic country like India not offer them?

Comparisons were being made between attack on twin towers in NY and TAJ in mumbai? Is attacking a country a solution to this problem? what about the terrorists camps believed to be present in India itself. what about the naxal problem in various indian states?

It is certain that these things should be dealt the strictest laws and all the people responsible should be hanged to death!

But, is there a permanent solution to this problem?

Should even our goverment approach a bullet for bullet policy?

We have a free press in India which always tries to make most of such events. Should not the PRESS come forward and accept a social obligation to try to pass a message to all the people of this country and beyond, to voice there grudges or complaints which they have against India. Atleast this would show us there side of the problem. What in the world do they think of us and why do they take such devilish steps. why in the world are they killing soo many innocent people and risking the lives of a thousand others?

If you find even a word in this post useful, express yourself and try to spread the message to one and all!